Far out in the Pacific, Two thousand miles away There lie some magic islands, Where all men love to stray The sea nymphs piled the coral, Up above the ocean's crest And then, the legend has it, The angels did the rest
I seem to hear the Pali calling me I seem to hear the surf at Waikiki And from Pacific Heights, I seem to see the lights Of a city that is very dear to me
I seem to see the waving sugar cane The cocoa palms all nodding in the rain In fancy I am led Back to dear old Diamond Head Honolulu, I'm coming back again
They painted pretty valleys, And they build-ed stately hills They dug out lovely canyons, And they turned on laughing rills They scattered ferns and flowers, In the lowlands and the high And when they were completed, Why, they called the group Hawaii
I seem to hear the Pali calling me I seem to hear the surf at Waikiki And from Pacific Heights, I can see the lights Of a city that is very dear to me
I seem to see the waving sugar cane The cocoa palms are nodding in the rain Back to dear old Diamond Head Honolulu, I am coming back again Honolulu, I am coming back again
Ua kiloi ke alihikulele i ka popeku i ke a'apo, aka-, 'a'ole 'apo oia ia ia. Ua kula'i ka mahikua i ka muku i ka pa'ani a'e, a ha'ule ka muku i ka popeku, ua aihue ia o ka laina kula'i kupale. I ka pa'ani a'e, ua holo o ka aiholo a ke aiholo, a ua peku ke kimi i ke ai manuahi...
Kekahi mau makahiki aku nei ua hele o Kale a me au i Maui. Ua hiki ma-ua i ka auinala a he'e umauma au i ke kai. I ke kakahiaka a'e ua pa'apu li'ili'i i kahakai a ike au a ike ke aha ai ma laila. Ua ke-ia mano- make loa, i kahakai aia ua he'e umauma au i ke auinala aku nei. Ua ai ka mano- ho'okahi ka papa la'au a laho he'e kono alapiko ia. I ke-ia mau la- he mano- nui, "Keokeo Nui" i ke kai o ke-ia kulanakauhale, a pani o na kia'a ola i na kahakai i ka la- mahope o ike i ke mano-. A, nui na nalu mai ho'okahi ino nui o Aotearoa. A, hele ka hopena pule la-hui wela iki'iki me kahakai pa'apu-. E hopena pule la-hui pa'ahana ana no na kia'a ola!