Aloha ia Jeff! Manaolana au e ola maika'i 'oe. (Hi, Jeff, I hope your health is good). Aia maluna ekahi ki'i o ka- ma-kou kahua he'e nalu ana kahiko. (Above is a picture of our old surfing place). Piha ka wahi kukulu ka'a (full is the parking lot), like me na- la- o na- nalu nui (like the days with good waves). Ho'omana'o au i kou "Santa Monica"! ( I remember your "Santa Monica"!) Ho'omana'o hou au i ka- maua huaka' i i Mazatlan, Mekiko a me ka hokele "Pescador". (I also remember our trip to Mazatlan, Mexico, and the hotel Pescador. )
Manaolana au e hiki i 'ike 'oe i ke ki'i maluna o ke-ia 'ao'ao, a me hiki i 'ike 'oe i ke-ia 'ao'ao noho'i! (I hope you can see the picture at the top of this page, also that you can even see this page!) Ua 'au au ma ke kai mehana i nehinei (I swam in the warm ocean yesterday), ua 'olu'olu nui ia ia (It was very pleasant.)
Ua ho'omaka au i ao mai o ka 'o-lelo Hawai'i no ka mea ua makemake au e maopopo i na- makemake o'u ia mele Hawai'i. (I started to learn Hawaiian because I wanted to understand the Hawaiian songs I liked). I ke-ia manawa, ho'opa'a ha'awana au i ka puke ekolu o Na Kai Ewalu, ka puke a'o o ka papa 'o-lelo Hawai'i ma ke Kulanui Hawai'i ma Hilo. (Now I am studying book 3 of Na Kai Ewalu--the eight seas--, the text book of the Hawaiian language at the U of Hawai'i @ Hilo). Nanea nui ia i au (I am enjoying it very much).
Ua hiki e mana'o ho'opuka 'oe, ina- makemake 'oe. (You can comment if you want). Manaolana au e lohe mai 'oe. (I hope to hear from you...this is such an idiomatic expression I am sure I said it totally wrong, but you get the point). Me ka aloha pumehana ia 'oe, kou hoaloha o Lopaka. (With warm love and affection to you, your friend Lopaka)
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