Mainline Prosperity Blues Lyrics, Norm & Mimi Farina, 1964
Good morning, teaspoon
Teaspoon give me back my brain
Hello, reflection
You don't look the same
And good morning, sweet companion
Pardon me if I've forgotten your name.
Well I know the sun is shining
I believe it 'cause the shades are down
And I know the nighttime's over
Honey, nothing else could make that sound
And I know you won't be moving
Pardon me if I just hang around.
Well, society is rolling
Got to drive above a certain speed
Population's exploding
Gonna get you in a wild stampede
Well, companion, you'll forgive me
If I seem unwilling to succeed.
Now efficiency's the by-word
Everybody get to work on time
There ain't no unemployment
I believe I'm going to lose my mind
I'm listed on the censusBut I think I'm going to just resign.
Well, I'm only just a pillow, honey
And I belong in bed
I need a little soothing
Something soothing, kind of mellow for my head
They say I could be productive
But I think I'll just recline right here instead.
I ekahi pa-'ina ke-ia ahiahi, ua kamailio ma-kou e pili ana no ka wa- "Beatnik", a ua ho'omana'o au ke-ia mele o ka makahiki umi kumaeiwa kanaono kumaha na Norm a me Mimi Farina, ha'i ia na mana'o "Beatnik" maika'i nui.http://new.music.yahoo.com/richard-mimi-farina/tracks/mainline-prosperity-blues--567352
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